Recently, Advanced Misting Systems was contacted by a national marketing firm to help design and fabricate a promotional display, incorporating mist, for use a outdoor cooling feature in amusement parks across the country for one of their biggest clients.
We were so excited to be a part of this process and the end result is fantastic.
Promotional Misting
The company requesting the units loved the first batch and wanted MORE. This is always music to our ears. The cans release mist from the straw’s opening. We invite you to see a video of the mist in action here.
We were recently contacted by the folks over at The Eveleigh Restaurant in Los Angeles to consult with them about misting their very large patio.
This upscale, hip gastropub was touted by Los Angeles Magazine for “….the megasize patio with the cityscape view is the place to be……”. Understandably, they wanted a solution that would cool down diners but not distract form the unique look and feel of their beautiful patio.
Even with the seasons changing, temperature related stress is still a very real risk for fall athletic teams in the Southwest. Most of the days in Southern California are still averaging around 85 degrees, and in places like Phoenix, the weather forecast predicts temperatures around 90 degrees through the end of October. These temperatures may be comfortable for most of us, but for the athlete they can cause heat stress in combination with higher heart rate and rising body temperature. On the opposite side of the country, some sports teams are already playing in the snow and face the risk of hypothermia.
The Luma Comfort EC45S Tower Evaporative Cooler is lightweight, versatile and economical and uses as much electricity as a lightbulb
We talk a lot about the merits of an evaporative cooler over a standard air conditioner in terms of cost of installation, maintenance and operation, but it seems that not very many people understand how an evaporative cooler works. Also known as swamp coolers, evaporative coolers provide effective cooling by capitalizing on the natural process of water evaporation combined with a simple air-moving system. Keeping the interior of our desert buildings cool is a process that modern technology has made simple. But in the early 20th century, inventions such as air conditioning did not yet exist. People often stayed cool by sleeping outside on screened in porches during the summer. They would hang soaking-wet bedsheets and blankets on the screens and use fans to pull the night air through the moist cloth to provide a cool breeze to lower the room’s temperature.
When it comes to perfect summer barbecues and family gatherings, the patio is no doubt the social hub of your home. But the sweltering heat is a hindrance to most things outdoors if you live in the American Southwest. Even the best of parties can be ruined by the harsh sun, so it comes as no surprise to anyone that many people are giving their patios some much-needed TLC this summer. Whether you are improving on the patio already in place in your home, or starting out from scratch, these tips from Advanced Misting Systems can help you figure out the best way to keep your patio cool all summer long.